
What are Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.

Using OER is one way faculty can create classes with low or no-cost for materials.

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Educators are interested in improving the quality of students' educational experience.

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A survey of MSU Denver students found 89% report a significant benefit from a course with no materials costs.

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Textbook costs

The cost of textbooks has increased faster than the cost of almost anything else over the past 40 years.

Emily Ragan writing on a white board.

Upcoming Events for Faculty

Join the OER team for workshops, exciting opportunities and faculty learning communities.

A professor standing up talking to a group of students sitting in a circle

Faculty Resources

Find OER textbooks, learn about implementing OER in the classroom, and connect with other faculty around OER.

A Mason Jar full of coins marked with the words

Student Resources

Learn how to find textbooks and other no-cost, low-cost resources and get involved in spreading the word.

State of Colorado OER Grants

MSU Denver has experienced explosive growth in the number of faculty using OER in their courses and students impacted thanks to support from State of Colorado OER Grants awarded to MSU Denver.

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MSU Denver OER Task Force Members

Interested in implementing OER in your courses?

Email Us

Email the OER Coordinator, Emily Ragan, to learn more about OER opportunities and to learn how to start the OER process.

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